Package-level declarations


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data class BlockedAuthor(val did: Did, val viewer: ViewerState? = null)
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data class BlockedPost(val uri: AtUri, val blocked: Boolean, val author: BlockedAuthor)
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data class DescribeFeedGeneratorLinks(val privacyPolicy: String? = null, val termsOfService: String? = null)
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data class FeedViewPost(val post: PostView, val reply: ReplyRef? = null, val reason: FeedViewPostReasonUnion? = null, val feedContext: String? = null)
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data class Generator(val did: Did, val displayName: String, val description: String? = null, val descriptionFacets: ReadOnlyList<Facet> = persistentListOf(), val avatar: Blob? = null, val acceptsInteractions: Boolean? = null, val labels: GeneratorLabelsUnion? = null, val createdAt: Timestamp)
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data class GeneratorView(val uri: AtUri, val cid: Cid, val did: Did, val creator: ProfileView, val displayName: String, val description: String? = null, val descriptionFacets: ReadOnlyList<Facet> = persistentListOf(), val avatar: Uri? = null, val likeCount: Long? = null, val acceptsInteractions: Boolean? = null, val labels: ReadOnlyList<Label> = persistentListOf(), val viewer: GeneratorViewerState? = null, val indexedAt: Timestamp)
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data class GeneratorViewerState(val like: AtUri? = null)
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data class GetActorFeedsQueryParams(val actor: AtIdentifier, val limit: Long? = 50, val cursor: String? = null)
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data class GetActorFeedsResponse(val cursor: String? = null, val feeds: ReadOnlyList<GeneratorView>)
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data class GetActorLikesQueryParams(val actor: AtIdentifier, val limit: Long? = 50, val cursor: String? = null)
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data class GetActorLikesResponse(val cursor: String? = null, val feed: ReadOnlyList<FeedViewPost>)
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data class GetAuthorFeedQueryParams(val actor: AtIdentifier, val limit: Long? = 50, val cursor: String? = null, val filter: GetAuthorFeedFilter? = GetAuthorFeedFilter.POSTS_WITH_REPLIES)
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data class GetAuthorFeedResponse(val cursor: String? = null, val feed: ReadOnlyList<FeedViewPost>)
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data class GetFeedGeneratorResponse(val view: GeneratorView, val isOnline: Boolean, val isValid: Boolean)
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data class GetFeedQueryParams(val feed: AtUri, val limit: Long? = 50, val cursor: String? = null)
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data class GetFeedResponse(val cursor: String? = null, val feed: ReadOnlyList<FeedViewPost>)
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data class GetFeedSkeletonQueryParams(val feed: AtUri, val limit: Long? = 50, val cursor: String? = null)
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data class GetFeedSkeletonResponse(val cursor: String? = null, val feed: ReadOnlyList<SkeletonFeedPost>)
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data class GetLikesLike(val indexedAt: Timestamp, val createdAt: Timestamp, val actor: ProfileView)
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data class GetLikesQueryParams(val uri: AtUri, val cid: Cid? = null, val limit: Long? = 50, val cursor: String? = null)
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data class GetLikesResponse(val uri: AtUri, val cid: Cid? = null, val cursor: String? = null, val likes: ReadOnlyList<GetLikesLike>)
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data class GetListFeedQueryParams(val list: AtUri, val limit: Long? = 50, val cursor: String? = null)
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data class GetListFeedResponse(val cursor: String? = null, val feed: ReadOnlyList<FeedViewPost>)
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data class GetPostThreadQueryParams(val uri: AtUri, val depth: Long? = 6, val parentHeight: Long? = 80)
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data class GetRepostedByQueryParams(val uri: AtUri, val cid: Cid? = null, val limit: Long? = 50, val cursor: String? = null)
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data class GetRepostedByResponse(val uri: AtUri, val cid: Cid? = null, val cursor: String? = null, val repostedBy: ReadOnlyList<ProfileView>)
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data class GetSuggestedFeedsQueryParams(val limit: Long? = 50, val cursor: String? = null)
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data class GetSuggestedFeedsResponse(val cursor: String? = null, val feeds: ReadOnlyList<GeneratorView>)
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data class GetTimelineQueryParams(val algorithm: String? = null, val limit: Long? = 50, val cursor: String? = null)
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data class GetTimelineResponse(val cursor: String? = null, val feed: ReadOnlyList<FeedViewPost>)
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data class Interaction(val item: AtUri? = null, val event: String? = null, val feedContext: String? = null)
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data class Like(val subject: StrongRef, val createdAt: Timestamp)
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data class NotFoundPost(val uri: AtUri, val notFound: Boolean)
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data class Post(val text: String, val entities: ReadOnlyList<PostEntity> = persistentListOf(), val facets: ReadOnlyList<Facet> = persistentListOf(), val reply: PostReplyRef? = null, val embed: PostEmbedUnion? = null, val langs: ReadOnlyList<Language> = persistentListOf(), val labels: PostLabelsUnion? = null, val tags: ReadOnlyList<String> = persistentListOf(), val createdAt: Timestamp)
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sealed interface PostEmbedUnion
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data class PostEntity(val index: PostTextSlice, val type: String, val value: String)
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sealed interface PostLabelsUnion
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data class PostReplyRef(val root: StrongRef, val parent: StrongRef)
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data class PostTextSlice(val start: Long, val end: Long)
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data class PostView(val uri: AtUri, val cid: Cid, val author: ProfileViewBasic, val record: JsonContent, val embed: PostViewEmbedUnion? = null, val replyCount: Long? = null, val repostCount: Long? = null, val likeCount: Long? = null, val indexedAt: Timestamp, val viewer: ViewerState? = null, val labels: ReadOnlyList<Label> = persistentListOf(), val threadgate: ThreadgateView? = null)
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data class ReasonRepost(val by: ProfileViewBasic, val indexedAt: Timestamp)
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data class ReplyRef(val root: ReplyRefRootUnion, val parent: ReplyRefParentUnion)
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data class Repost(val subject: StrongRef, val createdAt: Timestamp)
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data class SearchPostsQueryParams(val q: String, val sort: SearchPostsSort? = SearchPostsSort.LATEST, val since: String? = null, val until: String? = null, val mentions: AtIdentifier? = null, val author: AtIdentifier? = null, val lang: Language? = null, val domain: String? = null, val url: Uri? = null, val tag: ReadOnlyList<String> = persistentListOf(), val limit: Long? = 25, val cursor: String? = null)
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data class SearchPostsResponse(val cursor: String? = null, val hitsTotal: Long? = null, val posts: ReadOnlyList<PostView>)
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data class SkeletonFeedPost(val post: AtUri, val reason: SkeletonFeedPostReasonUnion? = null, val feedContext: String? = null)
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data class SkeletonReasonRepost(val repost: AtUri)
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data class Threadgate(val post: AtUri, val allow: ReadOnlyList<ThreadgateAllowUnion> = persistentListOf(), val createdAt: Timestamp)
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Allow replies from actors you follow.

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data class ThreadgateListRule(val list: AtUri)

Allow replies from actors on a list.

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Allow replies from actors mentioned in your post.

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data class ThreadgateView(val uri: AtUri? = null, val cid: Cid? = null, val record: JsonContent? = null, val lists: ReadOnlyList<ListViewBasic> = persistentListOf())
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data class ThreadViewPost(val post: PostView, val parent: ThreadViewPostParentUnion? = null, val replies: ReadOnlyList<ThreadViewPostReplieUnion> = persistentListOf())
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enum Token : Enum<Token>
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data class ViewerState(val repost: AtUri? = null, val like: AtUri? = null, val replyDisabled: Boolean? = null)

Metadata about the requesting account's relationship with the subject content. Only has meaningful content for authed requests.