
data class QueryEventsQueryParams(val types: List<String> = emptyList(), val createdBy: Did? = null, val sortDirection: String? = "desc", val createdAfter: Timestamp? = null, val createdBefore: Timestamp? = null, val subject: Uri? = null, val collections: List<Nsid> = emptyList(), val subjectType: QueryEventsSubjectType? = null, val includeAllUserRecords: Boolean? = false, val limit: Long? = 50, val hasComment: Boolean? = null, val comment: String? = null, val addedLabels: List<String> = emptyList(), val removedLabels: List<String> = emptyList(), val addedTags: List<String> = emptyList(), val removedTags: List<String> = emptyList(), val reportTypes: List<String> = emptyList(), val policies: List<String> = emptyList(), val cursor: String? = null)



The types of events (fully qualified string in the format of tools.ozone.moderation.defs#modEvent) to filter by. If not specified, all events are returned.


Sort direction for the events. Defaults to descending order of created at timestamp.


Retrieve events created after a given timestamp


Retrieve events created before a given timestamp


If specified, only events where the subject belongs to the given collections will be returned. When subjectType is set to 'account', this will be ignored.


If specified, only events where the subject is of the given type (account or record) will be returned. When this is set to 'account' the 'collections' parameter will be ignored. When includeAllUserRecords or subject is set, this will be ignored.


If true, events on all record types (posts, lists, profile etc.) or records from given 'collections' param, owned by the did are returned.


If true, only events with comments are returned


If specified, only events with comments containing the keyword are returned. Apply || separator to use multiple keywords and match using OR condition.


If specified, only events where all of these labels were added are returned


If specified, only events where all of these labels were removed are returned


If specified, only events where all of these tags were added are returned


If specified, only events where all of these tags were removed are returned


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constructor(types: List<String> = emptyList(), createdBy: Did? = null, sortDirection: String? = "desc", createdAfter: Timestamp? = null, createdBefore: Timestamp? = null, subject: Uri? = null, collections: List<Nsid> = emptyList(), subjectType: QueryEventsSubjectType? = null, includeAllUserRecords: Boolean? = false, limit: Long? = 50, hasComment: Boolean? = null, comment: String? = null, addedLabels: List<String> = emptyList(), removedLabels: List<String> = emptyList(), addedTags: List<String> = emptyList(), removedTags: List<String> = emptyList(), reportTypes: List<String> = emptyList(), policies: List<String> = emptyList(), cursor: String? = null)


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If specified, only events where all of these labels were added are returned

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If specified, only events where all of these tags were added are returned

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If specified, only events where the subject belongs to the given collections will be returned. When subjectType is set to 'account', this will be ignored.

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val comment: String? = null

If specified, only events with comments containing the keyword are returned. Apply || separator to use multiple keywords and match using OR condition.

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val createdAfter: Timestamp? = null

Retrieve events created after a given timestamp

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Retrieve events created before a given timestamp

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val createdBy: Did? = null
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val cursor: String? = null
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val hasComment: Boolean? = null

If true, only events with comments are returned

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If true, events on all record types (posts, lists, profile etc.) or records from given 'collections' param, owned by the did are returned.

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val limit: Long? = 50
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If specified, only events where all of these labels were removed are returned

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If specified, only events where all of these tags were removed are returned

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Sort direction for the events. Defaults to descending order of created at timestamp.

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val subject: Uri? = null
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If specified, only events where the subject is of the given type (account or record) will be returned. When this is set to 'account' the 'collections' parameter will be ignored. When includeAllUserRecords or subject is set, this will be ignored.

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The types of events (fully qualified string in the format of tools.ozone.moderation.defs#modEvent) to filter by. If not specified, all events are returned.


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