
data class JobStatus(val jobId: String, val did: Did, val state: State, val progress: Long? = null, val blob: Blob? = null, val error: String? = null, val message: String? = null)



The state of the video processing job. All values not listed as a known value indicate that the job is in process.


Progress within the current processing state.


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constructor(jobId: String, did: Did, state: State, progress: Long? = null, blob: Blob? = null, error: String? = null, message: String? = null)


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val blob: Blob? = null
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val did: Did
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val error: String? = null
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Link copied to clipboard
val message: String? = null
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val progress: Long? = null

Progress within the current processing state.

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The state of the video processing job. All values not listed as a known value indicate that the job is in process.