Package-level declarations
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data class GetPopularFeedGeneratorsQueryParams(val limit: Long? = 50, val cursor: String? = null, val query: String? = null)
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data class GetPopularFeedGeneratorsResponse(val cursor: String? = null, val feeds: List<GeneratorView>)
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data class GetSuggestionsSkeletonQueryParams(val viewer: Did? = null, val limit: Long? = 50, val cursor: String? = null, val relativeToDid: Did? = null)
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data class GetSuggestionsSkeletonResponse(val cursor: String? = null, val actors: List<SkeletonSearchActor>, val relativeToDid: Did? = null)
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data class GetTaggedSuggestionsSuggestion(val tag: String, val subjectType: GetTaggedSuggestionsSubjectType, val subject: Uri)
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data class SearchActorsSkeletonResponse(val cursor: String? = null, val hitsTotal: Long? = null, val actors: List<SkeletonSearchActor>)
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data class SearchPostsSkeletonQueryParams(val q: String, val sort: SearchPostsSkeletonSort? = SearchPostsSkeletonSort.Latest, val since: String? = null, val until: String? = null, val mentions: AtIdentifier? = null, val author: AtIdentifier? = null, val lang: Language? = null, val domain: String? = null, val url: Uri? = null, val tag: List<String> = emptyList(), val viewer: Did? = null, val limit: Long? = 25, val cursor: String? = null)
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data class SearchPostsSkeletonResponse(val cursor: String? = null, val hitsTotal: Long? = null, val posts: List<SkeletonSearchPost>)
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Specifies the ranking order of results.
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data class SearchStarterPacksSkeletonQueryParams(val q: String, val viewer: Did? = null, val limit: Long? = 25, val cursor: String? = null)
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data class SearchStarterPacksSkeletonResponse(val cursor: String? = null, val hitsTotal: Long? = null, val starterPacks: List<SkeletonSearchStarterPack>)
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