
data class CreateRecordRequest(val repo: AtIdentifier, val collection: Nsid, val rkey: String? = null, val validate: Boolean? = null, val record: JsonContent, val swapCommit: Cid? = null)



The handle or DID of the repo (aka, current account).


The NSID of the record collection.


The Record Key.


Can be set to 'false' to skip Lexicon schema validation of record data, 'true' to require it, or leave unset to validate only for known Lexicons.


The record itself. Must contain a $type field.


Compare and swap with the previous commit by CID.


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constructor(repo: AtIdentifier, collection: Nsid, rkey: String? = null, validate: Boolean? = null, record: JsonContent, swapCommit: Cid? = null)


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The NSID of the record collection.

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The record itself. Must contain a $type field.

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The handle or DID of the repo (aka, current account).

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val rkey: String? = null

The Record Key.

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val swapCommit: Cid? = null

Compare and swap with the previous commit by CID.

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val validate: Boolean? = null

Can be set to 'false' to skip Lexicon schema validation of record data, 'true' to require it, or leave unset to validate only for known Lexicons.