Package-level declarations
If active=false, this optional field indicates a possible reason for why the account is not active. If active=false and no status is supplied, then the host makes no claim for why the repository is no longer being hosted.
If active=false, this optional field indicates a possible reason for why the account is not active. If active=false and no status is supplied, then the host makes no claim for why the repository is no longer being hosted.
Represents a change to an account's status on a host (eg, PDS or Relay). The semantics of this event are that the status is at the host which emitted the event, not necessarily that at the currently active PDS. Eg, a Relay takedown would emit a takedown with active=false, even if the PDS is still active.
Represents an update of repository state. Note that empty commits are allowed, which include no repo data changes, but an update to rev and signature.
Represents a change to an account's identity. Could be an updated handle, signing key, or pds hosting endpoint. Serves as a prod to all downstream services to refresh their identity cache.
A repo operation, ie a mutation of a single record.
If active=false, this optional field indicates a reason for why the account is not active.