
data class SearchActorsSkeletonQueryParams(val q: String, val viewer: Did? = null, val typeahead: Boolean? = null, val limit: Long? = 25, val cursor: String? = null)



Search query string; syntax, phrase, boolean, and faceting is unspecified, but Lucene query syntax is recommended. For typeahead search, only simple term match is supported, not full syntax.


DID of the account making the request (not included for public/unauthenticated queries). Used to boost followed accounts in ranking.


If true, acts as fast/simple 'typeahead' query.


Optional pagination mechanism; may not necessarily allow scrolling through entire result set.


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constructor(q: String, viewer: Did? = null, typeahead: Boolean? = null, limit: Long? = 25, cursor: String? = null)


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val cursor: String? = null

Optional pagination mechanism; may not necessarily allow scrolling through entire result set.

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val limit: Long? = 25
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val q: String

Search query string; syntax, phrase, boolean, and faceting is unspecified, but Lucene query syntax is recommended. For typeahead search, only simple term match is supported, not full syntax.

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val typeahead: Boolean? = null

If true, acts as fast/simple 'typeahead' query.

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val viewer: Did? = null

DID of the account making the request (not included for public/unauthenticated queries). Used to boost followed accounts in ranking.


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