Package-level declarations


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What should this label hide in the UI, if applied? 'content' hides all of the target; 'media' hides the images/video/audio; 'none' hides nothing.

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The default setting for this label.

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data class Label(val ver: Long? = null, val src: Did, val uri: Uri, val cid: Cid? = null, val val: String, val neg: Boolean? = null, val cts: Timestamp, val exp: Timestamp? = null, val sig: ByteArray? = null)

Metadata tag on an atproto resource (eg, repo or record).

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data class LabelValueDefinition(val identifier: String, val severity: Severity, val blurs: Blurs, val defaultSetting: DefaultSetting? = DefaultSetting.Warn, val adultOnly: Boolean? = null, val locales: List<LabelValueDefinitionStrings>)

Declares a label value and its expected interpretations and behaviors.

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data class LabelValueDefinitionStrings(val lang: Language, val name: String, val description: String)

Strings which describe the label in the UI, localized into a specific language.

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data class QueryLabelsQueryParams(val uriPatterns: List<String>, val sources: List<Did> = emptyList(), val limit: Long? = 50, val cursor: String? = null)
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data class QueryLabelsResponse(val cursor: String? = null, val labels: List<Label>)
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data class SelfLabel(val val: String)

Metadata tag on an atproto record, published by the author within the record. Note that schemas should use #selfLabels, not #selfLabel.

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data class SelfLabels(val values: List<SelfLabel>)

Metadata tags on an atproto record, published by the author within the record.

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How should a client visually convey this label? 'inform' means neutral and informational; 'alert' means negative and warning; 'none' means show nothing.

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data class SubscribeLabelsInfo(val name: SubscribeLabelsName, val message: String? = null)
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data class SubscribeLabelsLabels(val seq: Long, val labels: List<Label>)
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data class SubscribeLabelsQueryParams(val cursor: Long? = null)