Package-level declarations


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data class AccountEvent(val comment: String? = null, val active: Boolean, val status: Status? = null, val timestamp: Timestamp)

Logs account status related events on a repo subject. Normally captured by automod from the firehose and emitted to ozone for historical tracking.

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data class AccountHosting(val status: Status, val updatedAt: Timestamp? = null, val createdAt: Timestamp? = null, val deletedAt: Timestamp? = null, val deactivatedAt: Timestamp? = null, val reactivatedAt: Timestamp? = null)
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data class BlobView(val cid: Cid, val mimeType: String, val size: Long, val createdAt: Timestamp, val details: BlobViewDetailsUnion? = null, val moderation: Moderation? = null)
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data class EmitEventRequest(val event: EmitEventRequestEventUnion, val subject: EmitEventRequestSubjectUnion, val subjectBlobCids: List<Cid> = emptyList(), val createdBy: Did)
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data class GetRecordQueryParams(val uri: AtUri, val cid: Cid? = null)
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data class GetRepoQueryParams(val did: Did)
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data class GetReposQueryParams(val dids: List<Did>)
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data class IdentityEvent(val comment: String? = null, val handle: Handle? = null, val pdsHost: Uri? = null, val tombstone: Boolean? = null, val timestamp: Timestamp)

Logs identity related events on a repo subject. Normally captured by automod from the firehose and emitted to ozone for historical tracking.

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data class ImageDetails(val width: Long, val height: Long)
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data class Moderation(val subjectStatus: SubjectStatusView? = null)
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data class ModerationDetail(val subjectStatus: SubjectStatusView? = null)
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data class ModEventAcknowledge(val comment: String? = null, val acknowledgeAccountSubjects: Boolean? = null)
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data class ModEventComment(val comment: String, val sticky: Boolean? = null)

Add a comment to a subject

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data class ModEventDivert(val comment: String? = null)

Divert a record's blobs to a 3rd party service for further scanning/tagging

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data class ModEventEmail(val subjectLine: String, val content: String? = null, val comment: String? = null)

Keep a log of outgoing email to a user

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data class ModEventEscalate(val comment: String? = null)
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data class ModEventLabel(val comment: String? = null, val createLabelVals: List<String>, val negateLabelVals: List<String>)

Apply/Negate labels on a subject

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data class ModEventMute(val comment: String? = null, val durationInHours: Long)

Mute incoming reports on a subject

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data class ModEventMuteReporter(val comment: String? = null, val durationInHours: Long? = null)

Mute incoming reports from an account

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data class ModEventReport(val comment: String? = null, val isReporterMuted: Boolean? = null, val reportType: Token)

Report a subject

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data class ModEventResolveAppeal(val comment: String? = null)

Resolve appeal on a subject

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data class ModEventReverseTakedown(val comment: String? = null)

Revert take down action on a subject

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data class ModEventTag(val add: List<String>, val remove: List<String>, val comment: String? = null)

Add/Remove a tag on a subject

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data class ModEventTakedown(val comment: String? = null, val durationInHours: Long? = null, val acknowledgeAccountSubjects: Boolean? = null, val policies: List<String> = emptyList())

Take down a subject permanently or temporarily

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data class ModEventUnmute(val comment: String? = null)

Unmute action on a subject

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data class ModEventUnmuteReporter(val comment: String? = null)

Unmute incoming reports from an account

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data class ModEventView(val id: Long, val event: ModEventViewEventUnion, val subject: ModEventViewSubjectUnion, val subjectBlobCids: List<String>, val createdBy: Did, val createdAt: Timestamp, val creatorHandle: String? = null, val subjectHandle: String? = null)
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data class ModEventViewDetail(val id: Long, val event: ModEventViewDetailEventUnion, val subject: ModEventViewDetailSubjectUnion, val subjectBlobs: List<BlobView>, val createdBy: Did, val createdAt: Timestamp)
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data class QueryEventsQueryParams(val types: List<String> = emptyList(), val createdBy: Did? = null, val sortDirection: String? = "desc", val createdAfter: Timestamp? = null, val createdBefore: Timestamp? = null, val subject: Uri? = null, val collections: List<Nsid> = emptyList(), val subjectType: QueryEventsSubjectType? = null, val includeAllUserRecords: Boolean? = false, val limit: Long? = 50, val hasComment: Boolean? = null, val comment: String? = null, val addedLabels: List<String> = emptyList(), val removedLabels: List<String> = emptyList(), val addedTags: List<String> = emptyList(), val removedTags: List<String> = emptyList(), val reportTypes: List<String> = emptyList(), val policies: List<String> = emptyList(), val cursor: String? = null)
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data class QueryEventsResponse(val cursor: String? = null, val events: List<ModEventView>)
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If specified, only events where the subject is of the given type (account or record) will be returned. When this is set to 'account' the 'collections' parameter will be ignored. When includeAllUserRecords or subject is set, this will be ignored.

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data class QueryStatusesQueryParams(val queueCount: Long? = null, val queueIndex: Long? = null, val queueSeed: String? = null, val includeAllUserRecords: Boolean? = null, val subject: Uri? = null, val comment: String? = null, val reportedAfter: Timestamp? = null, val reportedBefore: Timestamp? = null, val reviewedAfter: Timestamp? = null, val hostingDeletedAfter: Timestamp? = null, val hostingDeletedBefore: Timestamp? = null, val hostingUpdatedAfter: Timestamp? = null, val hostingUpdatedBefore: Timestamp? = null, val hostingStatuses: List<String> = emptyList(), val reviewedBefore: Timestamp? = null, val includeMuted: Boolean? = null, val onlyMuted: Boolean? = null, val reviewState: String? = null, val ignoreSubjects: List<Uri> = emptyList(), val lastReviewedBy: Did? = null, val sortField: String? = "lastReportedAt", val sortDirection: String? = "desc", val takendown: Boolean? = null, val appealed: Boolean? = null, val limit: Long? = 50, val tags: List<String> = emptyList(), val excludeTags: List<String> = emptyList(), val cursor: String? = null, val collections: List<Nsid> = emptyList(), val subjectType: QueryStatusesSubjectType? = null)
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data class QueryStatusesResponse(val cursor: String? = null, val subjectStatuses: List<SubjectStatusView>)
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If specified, subjects of the given type (account or record) will be returned. When this is set to 'account' the 'collections' parameter will be ignored. When includeAllUserRecords or subject is set, this will be ignored.

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data class RecordEvent(val comment: String? = null, val op: Op, val cid: Cid? = null, val timestamp: Timestamp)

Logs lifecycle event on a record subject. Normally captured by automod from the firehose and emitted to ozone for historical tracking.

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data class RecordHosting(val status: Status, val updatedAt: Timestamp? = null, val createdAt: Timestamp? = null, val deletedAt: Timestamp? = null)
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data class RecordView(val uri: AtUri, val cid: Cid, val value: JsonContent, val blobCids: List<Cid>, val indexedAt: Timestamp, val moderation: Moderation, val repo: RepoView)
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data class RecordViewDetail(val uri: AtUri, val cid: Cid, val value: JsonContent, val blobs: List<BlobView>, val labels: List<Label> = emptyList(), val indexedAt: Timestamp, val moderation: ModerationDetail, val repo: RepoView)
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data class RepoView(val did: Did, val handle: Handle, val email: String? = null, val relatedRecords: List<JsonContent>, val indexedAt: Timestamp, val moderation: Moderation, val invitedBy: InviteCode? = null, val invitesDisabled: Boolean? = null, val inviteNote: String? = null, val deactivatedAt: Timestamp? = null, val threatSignatures: List<ThreatSignature> = emptyList())
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data class RepoViewDetail(val did: Did, val handle: Handle, val email: String? = null, val relatedRecords: List<JsonContent>, val indexedAt: Timestamp, val moderation: ModerationDetail, val labels: List<Label> = emptyList(), val invitedBy: InviteCode? = null, val invites: List<InviteCode> = emptyList(), val invitesDisabled: Boolean? = null, val inviteNote: String? = null, val emailConfirmedAt: Timestamp? = null, val deactivatedAt: Timestamp? = null, val threatSignatures: List<ThreatSignature> = emptyList())
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data class RepoViewNotFound(val did: Did)
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data class SearchReposQueryParams(val term: String? = null, val q: String? = null, val limit: Long? = 50, val cursor: String? = null)
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data class SearchReposResponse(val cursor: String? = null, val repos: List<RepoView>)
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data class SubjectStatusView(val id: Long, val subject: SubjectStatusViewSubjectUnion, val hosting: SubjectStatusViewHostingUnion? = null, val subjectBlobCids: List<Cid> = emptyList(), val subjectRepoHandle: String? = null, val updatedAt: Timestamp, val createdAt: Timestamp, val reviewState: Token, val comment: String? = null, val muteUntil: Timestamp? = null, val muteReportingUntil: Timestamp? = null, val lastReviewedBy: Did? = null, val lastReviewedAt: Timestamp? = null, val lastReportedAt: Timestamp? = null, val lastAppealedAt: Timestamp? = null, val takendown: Boolean? = null, val appealed: Boolean? = null, val suspendUntil: Timestamp? = null, val tags: List<String> = emptyList())
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data class VideoDetails(val width: Long, val height: Long, val length: Long)