Package-level declarations
Logs account status related events on a repo subject. Normally captured by automod from the firehose and emitted to ozone for historical tracking.
Logs identity related events on a repo subject. Normally captured by automod from the firehose and emitted to ozone for historical tracking.
Add a comment to a subject
Divert a record's blobs to a 3rd party service for further scanning/tagging
Keep a log of outgoing email to a user
Mute incoming reports on a subject
Mute incoming reports from an account
Report a subject
Resolve appeal on a subject
Revert take down action on a subject
Unmute action on a subject
Unmute incoming reports from an account
If specified, only events where the subject is of the given type (account or record) will be returned. When this is set to 'account' the 'collections' parameter will be ignored. When includeAllUserRecords or subject is set, this will be ignored.
If specified, subjects of the given type (account or record) will be returned. When this is set to 'account' the 'collections' parameter will be ignored. When includeAllUserRecords or subject is set, this will be ignored.
Logs lifecycle event on a record subject. Normally captured by automod from the firehose and emitted to ozone for historical tracking.