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data class CreateAccountRequest(val email: String? = null, val handle: Handle, val did: Did? = null, val inviteCode: String? = null, val verificationCode: String? = null, val verificationPhone: String? = null, val password: String? = null, val recoveryKey: String? = null, val plcOp: JsonContent? = null)
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data class CreateAccountResponse(val accessJwt: String, val refreshJwt: String, val handle: Handle, val did: Did, val didDoc: JsonContent? = null)
Account login session returned on successful account creation.
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data class CreateAppPasswordAppPassword(val name: String, val password: String, val createdAt: Timestamp, val privileged: Boolean? = null)
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data class CreateInviteCodesRequest(val codeCount: Long, val useCount: Long, val forAccounts: List<Did> = emptyList())
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data class CreateSessionRequest(val identifier: String, val password: String, val authFactorToken: String? = null, val allowTakendown: Boolean? = null)
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data class CreateSessionResponse(val accessJwt: String, val refreshJwt: String, val handle: Handle, val did: Did, val didDoc: JsonContent? = null, val email: String? = null, val emailConfirmed: Boolean? = null, val emailAuthFactor: Boolean? = null, val active: Boolean? = null, val status: CreateSessionStatus? = null)
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If active=false, this optional field indicates a possible reason for why the account is not active. If active=false and no status is supplied, then the host makes no claim for why the repository is no longer being hosted.
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data class DescribeServerResponse(val inviteCodeRequired: Boolean? = null, val phoneVerificationRequired: Boolean? = null, val availableUserDomains: List<String>, val links: DescribeServerLinks? = null, val contact: DescribeServerContact? = null, val did: Did)
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data class GetAccountInviteCodesQueryParams(val includeUsed: Boolean? = true, val createAvailable: Boolean? = true)
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data class GetSessionResponse(val handle: Handle, val did: Did, val email: String? = null, val emailConfirmed: Boolean? = null, val emailAuthFactor: Boolean? = null, val didDoc: JsonContent? = null, val active: Boolean? = null, val status: GetSessionStatus? = null)
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If active=false, this optional field indicates a possible reason for why the account is not active. If active=false and no status is supplied, then the host makes no claim for why the repository is no longer being hosted.
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data class InviteCode(val code: String, val available: Long, val disabled: Boolean, val forAccount: String, val createdBy: String, val createdAt: Timestamp, val uses: List<InviteCodeUse>)
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data class ListAppPasswordsAppPassword(val name: String, val createdAt: Timestamp, val privileged: Boolean? = null)
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data class RefreshSessionResponse(val accessJwt: String, val refreshJwt: String, val handle: Handle, val did: Did, val didDoc: JsonContent? = null, val active: Boolean? = null, val status: RefreshSessionStatus? = null)
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Hosting status of the account. If not specified, then assume 'active'.
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data class UpdateEmailRequest(val email: String, val emailAuthFactor: Boolean? = null, val token: String? = null)